Wednesday, January 11, 2012

An Introduction

Welcome to my little corner of the web. Some of you may know me from Ravelry as "Melrose", moderator of A Spinner's Study. First, let's start with the name of my blog "The Woolchemist", in case you haven't gotten the reference, it is a play on the word "Alchemist". I'm not going to try to transmute lead into gold, but it seemed like a wonderful analogy  for the fleece to finished project journey.

My goal for this blog is to share my experiences with the wool/fiber of many of the breeds of sheep, goats, camelids, and various other fiber bearing creatures that I stumble across (or troll the internet and fiber fairs in relentless search of.) I intend to focus on one breed or fiber with each blog post, a sort of journal of my trials and tribulations, complete with photos. Whenever possible I'll show progress from raw to finished yarn. Other times, I'm sure, we'll have to settle for processed fiber and give my combs and cards a break. Either way it should be a fantastic adventure.

Along the way I'll chat about the tools I use for spinning and what works best for me. You'll hear about my favorite fiber sources and how my house perpetually smells like wet wool. Who knows, I may even have time to knit.

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